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About us
The New Zealand Local Authority Traffic Institute or Trafinz represents local authority views on road safety and traffic management in New Zealand. It exists to lobby the government, to influence decision making on road safety and traffic issues. It also acts as a forum for collectively pursuing traffic issues of interest to local authorities, and for sharing information and advice.
Trafinz serves the public interest by advocating for safe, efficient and economical planning and management of traffic. Member local authorities represent more than two-thirds of New Zealand's population.
The organisation is run by a voluntary executive comprising 15 councillors and officers elected at an annual conference. It also has a technical committee of staff practitioners from various member councils, plus the New Zealand Police, who carry out or coordinate the detailed work set by the executive through an annual business plan.
Meet our Executive committee
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Technical Help
We offer help on a range of technical topics and have experts ready to answer your questions. Click through to get in touch with our technical experts.

view our recent
Our submissions to both National and Local governments in the areas of road safty, planning and management play a vital role in keeping New Zealand roads safe, efficient and economical. Last year alone we made over 20 submissions on various projects. All submissions are available online so our members and the public can hear our voice on the issues.
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Are you interested in becoming a member of Trafinz?
Click here to read information about how to join and view the membership form.