

8-9 October

Delegate Survey

Click here to view an overview of the survey results.


Click here to view photos from the Exhibition Area and Conference Rooms

Click here to view photos from the Conference Dinner

Click here to view the Trafinz Achievement Awards

Trafinz Achievement Awards

Click here to read all about the recipients and their projects.


Monday 8 October

Andrew Bell - SASTA AGM

Dr Soames Job Combining safe system principles and road safety education in schools

Assoc. Prof Claire Freeman - Children's travel in the urban environment

Dr Jamie Hosking - Social & Geographical Differences in Road Traffic Injuries

Dr Soames Job - Introducing Safe Roads - what will it take

Prof Reinhard Klette - Active Driver Assistance - A Cost-Efficient Way to Improved Road Safety

Cameron Bayly - Developing the next Safer Journeys Action Plan



Tuesday 9 October

Dr David Warburton - Challenges and Opportunities for Road Safety in Auckland

Cr Andy Foster & Dr Soames Job - Role of Local Government in achieving road safety in NZ

Dr Hamish Mackie - A safe system for rural school safety

Inspector Mark Stables - Serious crash investigations and a safe system

Dr Alex Macmillan - Public Health effects of transport policy

Paul Durdin - Breathing life into road safety analysis

Dr Samuel Charlton - What do safe speeds really mean for New Zealand

Dr Soames Job and Cr Andy FosterRoad Safety Challenges for New Zealand

Melanie Alexander & Andrew Bell Auckland Community Transport Show-case


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